Spring Blog


Welcome To Our Healthy Back Spring Blog!

Back Pain can keep you from enjoying the upcoming hot temperatures and springtime activities. Read our tips below to get ready for Spring! And follow us on Facebook & Twitter.

Back Pain Doesn’t Have To Keep You Down.

Whether you’ve had spinal surgery or just beginning to have back pain, there are tips and tricks you can use to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. Problems with your spine, such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, back and leg pain, can have a profound impact on you quality of life. This Blog, my staff, and I are at your service to help you with all of your spinal care needs.

Have you ever experienced numbness or tingling in your arm or leg, your foot or your hand – something that feels like the pins and needles of a limb “going to sleep,” but doesn’t go away? Some people report shooting pain down their arm or leg, or even a sharp jolt of pain in the arm or leg when they sneeze or cough.

Spring is in full bloom in the northern hemisphere, with summer right around the corner. People are getting outside, and resuming activities they haven’t done through the winter months.

Recently we discussed how important posture is for your spine. This is true no matter what you’re doing, whether you’re sitting in front of a computer, standing in line, or running in a marathon. How you hold yourself affects your body. Did you know you increase the amount of pressure on your spine when you run? This means you put yourself at an increased risk of injury when running, so maintaining proper running posture is important.

Make-it-yourself smoothies are a wildly popular way to work more fruits and veggies into your diet. However, if you chase sweetness and flavor without making sure to include healthy ingredients, you could accidentally veer away from optimal dietary benefits.